Reality check:

There are a lot of people in network marketing—especially six- and seven-figure earners—who have to work their tail off to maintain their income.

And though they have created a successful lifestyle, when they stop working, their income immediately drops.

Which, I think we can all agree, isn’t what you want!

Because if you’re anything like me, you started your business to have more time freedom, not less.

Luckily, it doesn’t have to be this way…

Growing and maintaining your network marketing income doesn’t have to be a perpetual “hamster wheel” of zero time-freedom.

In this article, I’m going to share the five levels of automation to scale your network marketing income in the modern technological era.

Plus, I’m going to reveal how you can do so, without being further involved.

So, starting at the top…

What I call “Level Zero” is where everyone starts and doesn’t yet involve building online.

This level has little or no systems in place for the purposes of automation.

At this level you’re simply focused on learning to be effective with the fundamental skills of network marketing, which are related to person-to-person activities:

  • check
    Person-to-person prospecting
  • check
    Person-to-person presentations
  • check
    Person-to-person training

In Level Zero, everything is done in-person and everything is done manually.

This where we all start, because that’s where our upline starts us.

You must do hands-on training to enroll people, because there are no systems in place to automate that.

It’s also up to you to track how well you’re performing from a prospecting standpoint.

Any metrics you have, you must produce for yourself.

Basically, everything’s manual and person-to-person—the prospecting, the presentation, the training, and the tracking.

But, as you might have guessed if you’re read this far, there’s a better way!

And in “Level One,” you begin to automate your business.

Automating Lead Generation

The very first (and biggest) problem with traditional network marketing is solved by Elite Marketing Pro and their members, is automating lead generation.

This means putting prospecting and lead generation systems in place, so you’re no longer bugging friends and family, strangers on the street, or people at parties.

Now you’re no longer in “prospecting mode” every time you’re surrounded by people.

You automate the prospecting aspect of your business and create systems to make it happen.

That’s where I get most of my students started.

If you are ready to move forward with building your business online, I’d like to invite you to sign up for my FREE 10-Day Online Recruiting Bootcamp, where you’ll gain the knowledge to create an automated selling and prospecting system to attract highly-interested prospects to your product or opportunity online.

An example of automating the prospecting aspect of your business is learning how to effectively create Facebook Ads.

Specifically, Facebook Messenger Ads, delivered to a targeted audience.

Imagine being able to target the followers of Robert Kiyosaki, or John Maxwell, or Grant Cardone, or Tony Robbins.

You target their followers, and send a compelling message that creates curiosity and interest.

If you think you can do this on your own, you’ll be sadly mistaken.

I highly recommend you get training from our team, because you don’t want to do the wrong thing and wind up getting in trouble.

Facebook doesn’t look kindly upon mistakes!

If you know what you’re doing, you can run ads that lead to actual Messenger chats, on your phone or computer.

And then you can lead those conversations to an actual live presentation, which either you or your upline presents.

At this point, you’ve created a certain level of automation where the leads are coming in, and you never have to worry about being out in public prospecting, ever again.

So that’s level one of this automation scenario—automating your prospecting.

However, at this point, you’re still doing the person-to-person presentations, so that’s still manual.

Any tracking you’re doing is still done manually.

And, of course, when you get a new recruit, you’re still going to have to train them manually, one-on-one.

But at least you’ve solved the number one issue in network marketing, which is finding enough prospects to talk to.

So that’s Level One.

Next up…

Creating Conversion Systems

“Level Two” involves creating conversion systems, which means automating the presentation part of the business—that’s the conversion aspect.

So, at this point you’ve gotten the lead and now you must convert that person to an actual customer or distributor in your business.

Examples of these types of automated or semi-automated conversion systems are sales funnels and webinar funnels.

A sales funnel is just a sales process that’s done through a website.

A webinar funnel is getting people onto a webinar—an online presentation—where you can have 100, 200, 500, or even 1,000 people watching and they can make a buying decision or a decision to join your organization, due to that webinar presentation.

Another example of a semi-automated conversion system is leveraging Facebook groups. Which we do a lot in our company. 

Read... How to ATM Your Way to Success in Network Marketing 

There’s not just one correct way to do it

There are multiple ways to create presentations and conversion systems.

It’s really about focusing on what’s most effective for you and your business.

However, at this point, when you bring in a new person, you still have to do the person-to-person training.

So you still have not automated the training and the tracking systems.

So how do you keep track of all the people you’ve brought in through the prospecting, and how do you figure out where everybody is at?

Read on to find out!

Creating Tracking Systems

“Level Three” is when you create tracking systems.

At this point, you have a lot of people signing up and joining, and you need to track your metrics and keep track of where everybody is at in the process.

That means is tracking your conversions from…

  • check-circle
    Ad to Lead
  • check-circle
    Lead to New Customer or Distributor
  • check-circle
    New customer or new distributor to properly-trained distributor

These are numbers yo have to keep track of in order to access the health of your business

If these numbers aren’t reaching a certain threshold, then you’re not doing something properly.

And you’re in danger of your entire business falling apart if you don’t have the proper tracking systems in place.

You can’t grow what you can’t measure.

So you MUST have tracking systems in place.

Note that you can build “Level Three” and “Level Four” at the same time, because both are necessary at this stage.

Automating Training

Quick recap:

At this point you’ve automated your lead generation, and you’ve automated the presentation or conversion aspect of your business, and you have tracking in place, so you know where your numbers are at.

Now you want to automate the training systems for the purposes of duplication.

Once the training systems are in place you can create massive scale and duplication in your business.

Now, you can build this training as you go.

So as you build your prospecting, conversion, and tracking systems, you also want to create trainings to show your people how to also leverage each aspect of those systems for themselves.

This is going to be through some sort of private membership, so it’s not public.

And here’s what you’re doing…

You're training people through the different stages of growth in their business.

This could also be the stages of growth of acquiring certain skillsets.

And as their income grows, you can provide them with different trainings as they hit certain rank levels in their business.

How you do this will be up to you, and unique to your business, but you want to have some sort of training systems in place.

Now, the final level of creating these automated systems is…

Creating Business Systems

The business systems of “Level Five,” in and of themselves, have many levels.

Unfortunately, I can’t dive too deep into what business systems look like in this article, as it’s a huge subject, but as an example:

Business systems include hiring a team.

This means putting an in-house team in place to run all the systems I’ve previously described.

The point here is to create time-freedom, right?

So you want to hire a team to maintain what’s happening in your business.

But not only maintain it, you want to have them continue to…

  • bookmark
    Develop it
  • bookmark
    Improve it
  • bookmark
    Grow it
  • bookmark
    Update it

There are things you don't want to personally do, so you hire a team to do them for you

Business systems are often pretty comprehensive.

Within business systems you have hiring systems, systems for creating the operating manual for your business, financial systems to assure the money is being taken care of properly, etc.

You have a lot of different systems for running an actual company, because by the time you get to this level you essentially have a separate business in and of itself, because all these systems essentially become their own business entity and are a valuable asset.

This is when you are truly free

Because it doesn’t matter what happens to your company, you now have your own asset which allows you to rebuild if something happens to your company.

Or you could choose to help others in the industry build their own systems.

Now, this all might seem overwhelming, and you’re certainly not going to do it overnight.

It will take you quite a few years in order to get through all these different levels in your business.

You’re probably not going to get past Level Two in your first year, but you’ll be able to incorporate certain parts of level three:

  • You’re going to automate your prospecting
  • You’re going to set up some systems to automate the conversion aspect (or semi-automate the conversion aspect)
  • And most definitely you’re going to set up tracking for those first two levels
  • Maybe you don’t have tracking as sophisticated as, say, I do, but you don’t need it to be.

    The first year goal…

    …should be to have Levels One and Two, and a bit of Three in place, so you’re creating more leverage and some time freedom.

    Now, if you’re ready to start automating that first level of your business—your prospecting systems—and you’re not sure where to start…

    Then I highly recommend you sign up for my online recruiting bootcamp.

    You will never again have to go to a party and talk to a single person about your business, unless you want to.

    And you’ll learn the exact online strategies I use to passively generate 10-50 leads per day, 3- 7 customers per week, and recruit 3- 15 new business-builders into my business each month.

    These are the same methods I’ve used to create a world-wide brand and helped others do the same. 

    So if you’re ready to get started…

    Simply click here and I'll gladly send you my 10 Day Bootcamp

    And if you found this content helpful, I would love to read your comments below!

    Jonas Troyer
    Your Online Coach

    About the author 

    Jonas Troyer

    Jonas Troyer is the owner and founder of Troyer Websites a web design and digital marketing firm in Apple Creek Ohio.

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