In this video I share what appears might be the beginning of the end for conservatives on Facebook. Not only are a lot getting banned from the platform, but business ad accounts are getting shutdown and others are voluntarily leaving.
What Alternatives do Small Businesses Have?
If you have a B2B type business, Alignable is a great option.
For a more personal replacement MeWe is the closest one we have found.
For a videos: Rumble and BitChute are alternatives.
For a messaging app: Signal and Telegram.
Alignable for B2B Business Types
Most of the people that are on Alignable are business owners. If you watch my last video I share how I use Alignable to get leads for my business.
I really love Alignable's recommendation system. When you become active on the platform, they really get you a lot of positive recommendations.
MeWe for Business
You can not advertise on MeWe like you could on Facebook. In fact that is one of MeWe's selling points. (NO ADS EVER) Which is attractive to a lot of people, but not so much for businesses.
MeWe charges $1.99 per month for a business page. The cool part is you get a lot more reach with your business page on MeWe than you do on your Facebook page.
Similar to what you got in the beginning with Facebook pages when they first came out.
Video Alternatives
Both Rumble and BitChute are alternative video hosting platforms. We also use Vimeo for some videos.
Rumble has a really nice video player, but their embed on website features has room for improvement yet.
Make sure you back up everything that is important to you. Do not rely on one single platform to grow your business.
Diversify your lead and traffic so that if something happens to one of them, you aren't screwed.
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